Andromeda ❦ 21 ❦ he/they

Personal Commissions: Open thru VGen
Commercial Commissions: Open

Thank you to Blackveii for the lovely site assets 🎔

Personal Commissions: Open thru VGen
Commercial Commisions: Open

currently a work in progress~
please check my VGen for other services! <3

Terms of Service

By commissioning me you are automatically agreeing to my terms of service laid out below. Failure to abide by these rules may see you blacklisted or permanently banned from my services.GENERAL
- Please be respectful when ordering a commission
- I have the right to refuse your commission for any reason I deem necessary
- I no longer accept 3D only refs (this includes things such as FFXIV screenshots, game screenshots, etc); please have a 2D/drawn ref for your character for me to reference
- If I have to use 3 or more references to draw your character's details an extra charge will also be incurred (does not apply to pose references, only for the character details themselves)
Note: this charge does not apply to character customs or anything similar, only for general commissions
- Will draw: humans/humanoids/kemonomimis, anthros, detailed designs, fan characters, any couple/gender
- Won't draw: animals/ferals (by themselves), mecha/detailed armor, in
- I do not condone the use of my art for the selling of NFTs or for the use of AI training/databases
- I do not accept AI ‘art’ as references for commissions and if I find out that you use or consume AI ‘art’ I have the right to refuse you my services; I do not want my artwork held alongside such things
- I accept payment through PayPal and Stripe (USD)
- Payments will be sent through an invoice
- Payment must be sent with 24-48 hours of me confirming your order; failure to receive payment without notification of any delays beforehand will see you lose your slot
- Payment plans are only accepted for payments over $200 USD
- At least a 50% deposit must be sent upfront, with the rest paid off over a 2-4 month period (may vary depending on size/amount of commission(s))
- The first payment should be sent within 24-48 hours of confirmation; if you do not send the payment within this time your slot will be void
- You are able to pay off the commission(s) earlier than the set agreement, just make sure to let me know!
- Please make sure you are able to pay off the commission(s); I will not issue any refunds if you are unable to pay in full
- The final product will only be delivered once the commission(s) is paid off in full
- Revisions can be made during the sketch and linework phase; however, once I get to the coloring phase I will not be able to make any changes to the commission without incurring a small fee for each change; this can vary depending on the commission type and scope
- No major changes can be made once the final work is completed unless it is minor or if there is something I missed
- General ETA for commissions ranges between 2 weeks to 2-5 months, but can vary widely due to personal factors such as mental health
- Please be patient; while I strive to get WIPs and finished products sent out as soon as I am able, personal life and such may get in the way. I will be sure to notify you if anything occurs that may hinder my process
- I will send file(s) containing a small watermark and a larger watermark; if you decide to post your commission anywhere I highly suggest using the file containing the larger watermark if possible!
- For strict deadlines (1 week or less) a rush fee of +50% will be incurred; please note that if I feel the project is too large to finish within a week I may decline the commission
- You may use the commission as personal decoration, banner art, etc with proper credit
- You may print out the commission for personal use only
- Commercial commissions should be appropriately indicated when filling out a form, or discussed beforehand, and will incur a larger fee depending on the type of commission and usage
- Standard commercial use: x2 base price (this accounts for when the art is not the bulk of the product; includes usage for things such as YouTube/Twitch avatars/assets, store assets, etc)
- Other commercial use: x3 (this accounts for when the art is the bulk of the product; includes usage for things such as merchandise, keychains, stickers, etc)
- Note that depending on the complexity and difficulty of the project, this is subject to change.
- Large commercial projects should be discussed beforehand
- I hold the right to the artwork and may use it to promote myself and my work; I do not claim rights or ownership over any of the characters depicted in commissioned artworks
- I generally do not do refunds; the only case in which I will is if I cannot complete your commission, in which case the refunded amount will vary depending on the stage in which I'm at (i.e. if I did not start or only have the sketch a full refund would be given)
- If you no longer want the option you originally paid for I am more than willing to allow you to change the commission option for around the same price you paid for the original; multiple works can also be negotiated depending on the price
- Any chargebacks without prior notice or communication may see you blacklisted from my services
- I will update you for most major points in the art process (sketch, lineart, coloring); WIPs can be requested at any time by the client as well
- I may take up to 2-3 business days to respond depending on my workload or other circumstances so please be patient!
- I do not work on commissions on the weekends and as such WIPs are unlikely to be sent during this period, so please be advised

Portfolio - View more examples here!


Original Art

Client Work